"An extraordinary thinker and strategist" "Great knowledge and a wealth of experience" "Informative and entertaining as always" "Captivating!" "Very relevant information" "10 out of 7 actually!" "In my over 20 years in the Analytics and Information Management space I believe Alan is the best and most complete practitioner I have worked with" "Surprisingly entertaining..." "Extremely eloquent, knowledgeable and great at joining the topics and themes between presentations" "Informative, dynamic and engaging" "I'd work with Alan even if I didn't enjoy it so much." "The quintessential information and data management practitioner – passionate, evangelistic, experienced, intelligent, and knowledgeable" "The best knowledgeable, enthusiastic and committed problem solver I have ever worked with" "His passion and depth of knowledge in Information Management Strategy and Governance is infectious" "Feed him your most critical strategic challenges. They are his breakfast." "A rare gem - a pleasure to work with."

Monday, 3 March 2014

The (Data) Doctor Is In...

ADD looks for a data diagnosis...

Being a data management practitioner can be tough.

You're expected to work your data quality magic, solve other people's data problems, and help people get better business outcomes. It's a valuable, worthy and satisfying profession. But people can be infuriating and frustrating, especially when the business user isn't taking responsibility for their own data.

It's a bit like being a Medical Doctor in general practice.

The patent presents with some early indicative symptoms. The MD then performs a full diagnosis and recommends a course of treatment. It's then up to the patient whether or not they take their MD's advice...

AlanDDuncan: "Doctor, Doctor. I get very short of breath when I go upstairs."
MD: Yes, well. Your Body Mass Index is over 30, you've got consistently high blood pressure, your heatbeat is arrhythmic, and cholesterol levels are off the scale."
ADD: "So what does that mean, doctor?"
MD: "It means you're fat, you drink like a fish, you smoke like a chimney, your diet consists of fried food and cakes and you don't do any exercise."
ADD: "I'm Scottish."
MD: "You need to change your lifestyle completely, or you're going to die."
ADD: "Oh. So, can you give me some pills?...."

If you're going to get healthy with your data, you'll going to have to put the pies down, step away from the Martinis and get off the couch folks.

(Originally published on www.OpenMethodology.com)

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