"An extraordinary thinker and strategist" "Great knowledge and a wealth of experience" "Informative and entertaining as always" "Captivating!" "Very relevant information" "10 out of 7 actually!" "In my over 20 years in the Analytics and Information Management space I believe Alan is the best and most complete practitioner I have worked with" "Surprisingly entertaining..." "Extremely eloquent, knowledgeable and great at joining the topics and themes between presentations" "Informative, dynamic and engaging" "I'd work with Alan even if I didn't enjoy it so much." "The quintessential information and data management practitioner – passionate, evangelistic, experienced, intelligent, and knowledgeable" "The best knowledgeable, enthusiastic and committed problem solver I have ever worked with" "His passion and depth of knowledge in Information Management Strategy and Governance is infectious" "Feed him your most critical strategic challenges. They are his breakfast." "A rare gem - a pleasure to work with."

Recommended links

Disclaimer: "Recommended" > "Interesting" (Does not imply endorsement!!!)

Newswires and resource aggregators

Information Week
Smart Data Collective
DataQuality Pro
Reference Data Digest
Open Data Model
Inside Big Data
IT Business Edge
The Data Quality Channel
KDNuggets (Aggregator of "Big Data", Analytics & Data Mining)
Data Tau (Aggregator of Analytics lectures)

Products and Tools
QFire Software (Data Quality Management in the Cloud)
SpaceTime Research (SuperSTAR analytics)
Collibra (Data Governance suite)
Semarchy (Master Data Management in the Cloud)
Orchestra Networks (Master Data Management in the Cloud)
Forest Rim (Textual ETL)
BI Ready (Data Warehouse Lifecycle Management)
IBM Redbooks
Validus (Data lineage and implementation governance)

Industry Associations
Data Management Association (DAMA)
Records and Information Management Professionals Australia (RIMPA)
National Association of Data Protection Officers (NADPO)

Information & Data Management Blogs
Prudenza Data Management & Decision Support (Ronald Damhof)
Data Quality Matters (Gary Alleman)
Obsessive-Compulsive Data Quality (Jim Harris)
eGOV-Au: (Craig Thomler blog on social media & Government)
iStrategy Blog - ideas on successful online marketing
Manage Without Them - critical thinking on the management of Firms (Matthew De George)
The Data Roundtable (SAS Institute Data Management Blog)
Martin's Insights (Martin Rennhackkamp)
The DOBlog (Daragh O'Brien on Data Quality Management)
Information Rights and Wrongs (Jon Baines blog)
Business Modelling Passion (Axel Troike blog)
MDM Geek (Prashant Chandramohan)
Simply Statistics
How to Fail at Freelancing
You Are Not So Smart (David McRaney)

Conferences and Events
Ark Group Australia
Ark Group UK
Enterprise IQ
Liquid Learning
International Data Quality Summit

Information & Data Management Consulting and Professional Services
Information-Asset.com (Sunil Soares)
Granite Falls Consulting (Danette McGilvray)
Castlebridge Associates
Datum Strategy LLC

University of New South Wales